Thursday, December 18, 2008

Time to kill..

A pretty decent semester (the best one for me, with the least amount of studying :D ) being well and truly over and half way into the holidays...this post was just round the corner. The time I have on my hands on a single day is what I'd get in a whole week during the semester. And since at home I dont have my movies etc. with seems a whole lot more !
Its December and it is the job season for most of my friends. And if someone is saying that the financial meltdown is not hurting India he knows as much about economics as Steven Spielberg knows about making saas-bahu serials. The number of people who are placed as compared to last year's figures are about one-third. And the guys in IITs didn't even see it coming. With their CG already being fixed they couldn't do much to improve their chances and also the last minute back-out , done by many major companies took everybody by surprise. So when you dont have a Shell, RBS, ML, Lehmann, JP Morgan and even Reliance recruiting at the campus, in addition to companies like Mckinsey and Schlumberger recruiting only one or two persons, you know that you are in for some tough times ahead. Try sitting in a room with those who got this rough deal and you'll see that the depression is highly contagious. But I guess all of this has to be taken in stride and just move on. On a lighter note, a good joke doing the rounds is, when you have the US, Europe, almost all the companies of world in debt or losses, where did all the money go !! (Quite difficult to explain to a common man, I think)

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