So , its all coming together.I've managed to create my first blog.The time it took me , believe it or not was more than one year.I started to think about it after my the summer break after my first year. A three month break ! a ridiculously long break by any account ,after managing to survive the minors , majors, assignments etc. which were thrown at us by the professors even before the recovery period for previous such setbacks got over.The idle state at such a time gave thought of writing blogs of mine, a new trend which I thought was catching up at that time.I didn't know much about it at that time and still don't.But the thought stayed on.The reason why I didn't do it for all this time was primarily the speed of net connections in our hostel rooms, which I must say can make even the most atheist person to pray with all his heart for a better net speed.But I've somehow managed to create the blog and think keeping it regular won't be a problem.This is my first post , so I think I can be excused for a long post , so here I go.
The name for the blog 'Psychlic Disorder' came to my mind for the frame of mind and the sort of things that are going on in my life right now.As usual , this semester also started for me with a resolution of keeping organized, proactive and up to date with everything around me .But with half of the semester over, my room is again a mess,the class notes are complete (but only for classes which I've attended, which is a small fraction of the total ), I've submitted assignments (only which I know of) and financial matters are worse.The pocket money is in my 'pocket' only for the time from my home to hostel.Then it has a mysterious way of getting out of there
and leading me to wait for the next time when I go home.The things which I had to do , but kept on hold are too many to count.And a personal problem cropped up a few days back (though it seems to being solved in a few days).So the disorder in my life is haunting me semester after semester in a cyclic way.And hence the name for the blog.
The name nihilAnth which I sign for the post will what would come under the category of what you'd call 'tentatively titled' or 'without putting too much thought' for those of you who know me.
But there is a reason why i chose it, so I'd keep the explaining part for it to some other time.
Since writing blogs is a new thing for me, I would talk about a related issue which I read in a magazine recently.In the 30th Sep edition of 'Brunch' an article by Seema Goswami titled 'virtual reality ' talks about how we want our personal space in our real life , but open up so easily to strangers in cyberspace.An observation , which I find to be truer for us Indians.She says that we would not invite our neighbour for cup of tea but spend hours in chat rooms and so on with strangers.The columnist is not able to find any reasons for this kind of behavior.A part of it is also due to the fact that unlike many of us she is scared of going into chat rooms 'coz for her it full of pedophiles and perverts.But I am sure that even those of us who are not so suspicious will also find the trend striking.This was and is still not true for me for I find it equally difficult to open up in both the situations.But what works for me is that many of the people open up easily in chat rooms and places like orkut etc. , so it builds more trust from either way.
The primary reason for it is I think the word 'strangers' itself.The fact that you can talk to them , get their perspective , not care for being judged at all and with minimum possibility for meeting them in real life gives a lot of options to us.Ever looked in a google chat ? the 'remove' or 'block' option is just one click away but in real life breaking up with a friend is something with I think I don't need to tell how hurtful it is.Also in chat rooms and such places , only the best parts get through to another person.I am sometimes amazed at wit of some people who I know , when they chat.
So as we are getting more net dependent ( marriages around me are being fixed up on matrimonial sites these days) , I think this trend will continue, the boxes that we live in further accelerating our departure from real world.
Now, something about what has totally gripped the nation again : Cricket.I sort of knew that India will not be able to survive the attack of kangaroos in the first few matches, but to see them go this easily was disheartening.Hope , they get their act together soon enough.
Its 5 am in the morning now,and I have some other stuff to do.I hope to sleep before the sun rises.I also hope I get my act together soon enough.